Saturday, July 19, 2008
Miss Teen South Carolina personally believes...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Pictures of Bradenton/Sarasota, Florida
Finally added a few more pictures of Florida - "highlights" of two vacations we had in Bradenton/Sarasota in 2004 and 2006 - for the full album, click to the website here.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Ralf's Birthday Party
Ralf's Birthday is always easy to remember - 2 days after Kalle's.
Enjoyed a nice dinner, grilling in their garden. Ralf and Monika, as always, are the perfect hosts - but the new cat that just decided to adopt the family a few days ago stole the show!
see more pics on our website, here.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Kalle's Birthday Party
What a surprise!
Since the weather is so nice, Christophe and Carmen (our neighbors downstairs) invited us over for dinner.
Not expecting more than some steaks or sausages on the grill, Kalle was instead surprised with a birthday party: Alex and Monika and the boys were there as well - the boys each handing over a flower with their birthday wishes and then everybody singing "happy birthday" - and they even baked a homemade birthday cake!
Have a look at all the pictures on the website here.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
new CI...
changed the corporate identity a bit - we couldn't agree on the dark dots in the background.
Botanischer Garten, 25.05.08
we're proud of the results -
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Ein erster Versuch...
Ein erster Versuch, mit einem (für uns) neuen Programm Filme zu basteln.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
What we've been up to...
Been busy uploading pics on our website ( - have now added Amsterdam, Istanbul, and Key West on the holiday pic side, plus three baroque monestaries... have a look! Will keep adding whenever I get the time... so many more to add - Italy, Spain,...
Our own "Rock Lobster"
We bought a crayfish for the aquarium a few months ago- he started out small, but is growing... quickly! Quite the little bugger, ain't he? He's fairly peaceful, too: doesn't attack the fish as long as he gets his tablets to munch on... and even when we forget, he leaves the quick-swimming healthy fish alone. The others, well, let's say they're learning to swim faster when he's out. But most of the time he hides in his corner and tries to look innocent....
Thursday, May 15, 2008
"Hey Democrats: Just Pick One!"
If you can't laugh about yourselves and each other - then I am very sorry for you. I laughed myself silly over both sides of the story. (Warning - takes a few minutes to load)
"Hey Democrats: Pick One!"
"Why would anybody want a Democrat in Office? They can't even make their damned minds up who they want to run!"
"Democrats in the office are like
"Should we bomb Iran or should we not bomb Iran...?"
".....I can't make a decision..."
".....But it's such a historic decision...."
"....It's such a historic decision that I can't make up my mind...."
"Look: the Republicans had a bunch of crappy candidates, too - and we all hated each other, too - and the headlines said "Republicans tearing their Party apart"
But, finally, we all came together and we said "Aw, fuck it: McCain!"
(Normally I'd tell you to watch your language right there but that pretty much sums it up). "See: Jackie and I have no love for McCain but here we are giving him helpful, profane campaign slogans..."
"That's right - see we picked a candidate and get right behind him - He might be terrible for the country, but at least we made a damned decision!"
"See: the Republicans all came together: all the Mexican-haters and the Muslim-haters and the Oil Executives and the Gun-Nuts and the Gay-bashers and the Home-Schoolers and the Clinic-Bombers and we put aside our differences..."
(Well, all except for the Ron Paul-Whackos)
"... and we said, 'I can't stand to look at these Sons of Bitches for another day - let's just go with the oldest.." (Yea!)
"So now all you Democrats out there:
You need to gather up all your Homosexuals and your Atheists and your Elitists and your Baby-Killers and your Tree-Huggers and your Flag-Burners and your Socialists and your Communists and your Undercover-Islamo-Fascists and your Screen-Actors' Guild and the last living members of the Weather Underground - Throw up a bunch of pictures of Obama and Hillary, grab one and GO WITH IT!"
"Aw hell, just turn and look in a mirror real fast with Hillary and Obama and the first one who catches your eye...just to get rid of it"
"Democrats: Pick one and hurry the hell up"
"Good Lord: Make up your minds - I need to know who the hell I'm gonna vote against!"
Quick Hello's
Since I've sent this link to you guys, and don't know if you stopped by or not:
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
the B-52's are back

Friday, May 9, 2008
New furniture for the balcony
Welcome to our chillout lounge!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Meet the cats...
We have 2: Neko and Gato. They're brother and sister, born 30 Aug 1998 in Hamburg, Germany.
Der Beginn: Mark & Kalle's Blog
Da heutzutage internet-basierete, online weblogs (auch liebevoll "blogs" genannt) als Beweis dafür dienen, dass man nicht nur in der 21. Jahrhundert angekommen ist, sondern auch damit klarkommt, haben wir uns entschieden, einen eigenen Blog auch zu erstellen.
Launch: Mark & Kalle's Blogspot
Since these internet-based, online weblogs (lovingly known as "blogs") have become more than a requirement as proof that you and living in - and coping with - the 21st century, we thought we'd give it a try as well...